De martelgang van een visumaanvraag voor Thailand
De martelgang van een visumaanvraag voor Thailand
Een goede kennis van mij die vandaag (5 november) op het vliegtuig stapt naar Thailand, stelde op mijn verzoek een lijstje op van hetgeen vereist was. Tussen vierkante haken zijn commentaar. Na aankomst moet hij veertien dagen in quarantaine; dat moet in Bangkok en kan niet in zijn woonplaats Phuket.
Thailand wil de economie nieuw leven inblazen door toeristen toe te laten. Zou het? Ik kan dat nauwelijks geloven. Om een bekende dichtregel van Willem Elsschot te citeren: Tussen droom en daad staan wetten in de weg en praktische bezwaren. Hoe toepasselijk. Beste lezers, lieve lezeressen: Lees en huiver!
Non-Immigrant Visa “O-A” (Long Stay)
This type of visa may be issued to applicants aged 50 years and over who wish to stay in Thailand for a period of not exceeding 1 year without the intention of working.
Holder of this type of visa is allowed to stay in Thailand for 1 year. Employment of any kind is strictly prohibited.
- Eligibility
1.1 Applicant must be aged 50 years and over (on the day of submitting application).
1.2 Applicant not prohibited from entering the Kingdom as provided by the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979).
1.3 Having no criminal record in Thailand and the country of the applicant’s nationality or residence.
1.4 Having the nationality of or permanent residence in the country where application is submitted.
1.5 Not having prohibitive diseases (Leprosy, Tuberculosis, drug addiction, Elephantiasis, third phase of Syphilis) as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No. 14 B.E. 253.
1.6 Having a health insurance covering the length of stay in Thailand with no less than 40,000 Baht coverage for outpatient treatment and no less than 400,000 Baht for inpatient treatment. Apllicant may consider buying a Thai health insurance online at
1.7 Employment in Thailand is prohibited. - Required Documents
– Passport with validity of not less than 18 months.
– 2 copies of completed visa application forms. [Dit is grappig, maar ze vergeten te melden dat je ook de originele aanvraag die je invulde met pasfoto moet inleveren en dáárvan dus die 2 kopieën]
– 2 passport-sized photos (3.5 x 4.5 cm) of the applicant taken within the past six months. [Hi hi, mijn foto’s waren 2 jaar oud]
– Confirmed ticket paid in full. [Maar annex, moet je om alles te krijgen ook het hotel voor de quarantaine hebben gereserveerd én betaald!!]
– A copy of bank statement showing a deposit of the amount equal to and not less than 800,000 Baht or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly income of not less than 65,000 Baht, or a deposit account plus a monthly income totalling not less than 800,000 Baht.
– In the case of submitting a bank statement, a letter of guarantee from the bank (an original copy) is required.
– An English Extract from the birth registration (verification shall be valid for not more than three months and must be legalised by MinBuZa).
– An English Extract from the register of population (verification shall be valid for not more than three months and must be legalised by MinBuZa).
– A letter of verification issued from the country of his or her nationality or residence stating that the applicant has no criminal record. (verification shall be valid for not more than three months and must be legalised by MinBuZa) [Verklaring omtrent het gedrag]
– A medical certificate (download form) issued from the country where the application is submitted, showing no prohibitive diseases as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No.14 (B.E. 2535) (certificate shall be valid for not more than three months and must be legalised by MinBuZa). [Maar deze moet door het ministerie van Gezondheid eerst worden geverifieerd en daarna door BZ gelegaliseerd!]
– An original health insurance policy which covers the length of stay in Thailand with no less than 40,000 Baht coverage for outpatient treatment and no less than 400,000 Baht for inpatient treatment. Applicant may consider buying a Thai health insurance online at [En die moet wel in het Engels zijn]
Consular officers reserve the rights to request additional documents as deemed necessary.
In the case where the accompanying spouse is not eligible to apply for the Category ‘O-A’ (Long Stay) visa, he or she will be considered for temporary stay under Category ‘O’ visa. A marriage certificate must be provided as evidence and must be legalised by MinBuZa.